Saturday, 30 October 2010

Breaking News:-

It was revealed last night by Binty Carruthers-Smythe, founder member of the Bullingdon Club, that the entire Conservative Party Manifesto was, in effect, a giant rag week prank.

"Yah" said Binty, inhaling on a hookah pipe in an insalubrious smoking den in Central London, where artistes, bohemians and general ne'er-do-wells gather, "We were all getting completely off our tits on Tequila in 87, right, and someone said to Davey C 'wouldn't it be great, yah, if you could perform some kinda media terrorism thing, convince enough of the public of something completely ludicrous'. So we had a big talk about Situationism, and The Society of the Spectacle and all that guff and then someone had the great idea of convincing everyone that any problems in society are the fault of the government, and not Jonty Maxwell-Fyffe's dad, who owns Allied Amalgamated Satan inc (formerly Lehmann Brothers). It kinda grew from there, you know?"

We tried to contact seniour Conservative politicians to confirm or deny this, but apparently they were all on a retreat in the country, trying to see how many bread rolls they could stuff up Nicky Nacky-Noo's arse. For charity.

Friday, 8 October 2010

That Shadow Cabinet in full....

Shadow Chancellor:- Postman Pat. With his first-hand knowledge of how much stamps cost in Greendale, Pat is the perfect candidate to connect to the concerns of the public.
Shadow Foreign Secretary:- Gloria Hunniford. With her years of experience all around the globe, Gloria will be the perfect candidate to sort out Palestine and Kashmir.
Shadow Home Secretary:- Reg Hollis, from The Bill. With his years of experience policing Sun Hill, Reg will be the perfect.....


Oh, I really can't be arsed. Alan Johnson as Shadow Chancellor?

Beyond satire. Even exceptionally half-arsed satire like this erratic blog.